Newsletter | April 17, 2024

Read our latest newsletter on the web to learn about the latest events, exhibitions, residencies, and updates.

Featured image:  Artwork from (re)FOCUS@BWA Prints by Women, Then and Now exhibition. (re)FOCUS@BWA presents prints by 24 of the nearly 200 women artists of diverse heritages who have had residencies at Brandywine, including Emma Amos, Tomie Arai, Belkis Ayón, Camille Billops, Elizabeth Catlett, Barbara Chase-Riboud, Sonya Clark, Maya Freelon, Letitia Huckaby, Lois M. Johnson, Jean LaMarr, Samella Lewis, Yong Soon Min, E. J. Montgomery, Vitjitua Ndjiharine, Howardena Pindell, Betye Saar, Marta Sánchez, Hester Stinnett, Pamela Phatsimo Sunstrum, Gayle Tanaka, Kaylynn Sullivan TwoTrees, Sarah Van Keuren, and Deborah Willis. (re)FOCUS@BWA is Brandywine’s contribution to (re)FOCUS, Philadelphia’s extended, citywide celebration of women working in the visual arts not only in Philadelphia, but throughout the world.

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